
четверг, 30 апреля 2009 г.

Flower Melody Swirls

Новый наборчик из 20 swirls, подходящий к нашему с Олей "Flower Melody".
12 types of swirls (20 items totally) may be perfectly combined with
collab "Flower Melody". It makes your LO more interesting! All elements
stored with 300 dpi in PNG format.

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NSD sales

Wonderful NSD sales!!! Don't miss!!!
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четверг, 16 апреля 2009 г.

Pickleberrypop Creative Team Call

Pickleberrypop Creative Team Call

Please note this call is for permanent team members only, no guest spots available!
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понедельник, 13 апреля 2009 г.

Flower Melody

Новенькое. Smile Коллаб с Jasmin-Olya "Flower Melody"!!!
Весна подобна песне. Она приносит с собой много радости, улыбок и хорошего настроения! Мы рады поделиться своей весной с вами!

New collab by e-lena Designs & Jasmin-Olya Designs
"Flower Melody"
Spring is like a melody. It's give us joy, smiles and wonderful mood! And we are glad share with you our spring!!!

This mega set contains:
- 16 different papers
- 121 different elements (elements have versions with shadow and without it): different frames, many beautiful flowers, petals, leaves, lace, many different ribbons, rope, bow, music notes, doodles, butterflies, young branches, stitches, tags, stave, swirls and many other elements. Each element is saved individually in .PNG format.
- 41 alpha elements (letters, numbers and punctuation marks)

При покупке вы получаете подарок - замечательный вордарт, включающий 9 надписей!
With the purchase of this collab you get a gift - beautiful wordart (include 9 original titles)!!!

Pickleberrypop and Sunflowerscrap

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LO from Spring Wonderland-2

Новые странички из моего Spring Wonderland/New LOs from my Spring Wonderland:

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